Alex Nadzharov Quartet. original jazz/fusion music
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Not ordinary fusion but a bold, high tension memorable sound blending with dexterity and technique
a wide spectre of jazz rock grooves. There is an explosion of enthusiasm and passion bursting out from
the music of these young inventive musicians solid connected to jazz.


"I am always on the hunt for new, exciting and fresh sounding jazz. This newest discovery comes from Moscow,

"This is a very young (twenty-something) group of artists who demonstrate a compassion for jazz music.
When you listen to them play you sense this emotion. Alex Nadjarov strikes me as one of those incredibly
talented individuals who has a great future ahead of him. He is a serious leader and allows his band mates to
stretch out on solos. "

Lou Bruno
ContemporaryJazz.com CD Review - January 2006 by Lou Bruno

"Some of the great features possessed by the band are strong compositions from the keyboard player Alex Nadjarov,
an extremely well developed sense of space, just the right amount of funkiness, a group "ear" that listens
carefully, doesn't overplay or leave passages empty of emotional playing, and they have a lot of soul."

Rick Calic
JazzRockWorld.com CD Review by Rick Calic